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Poster Guidelines

Your e-poster for the 45th FEBS Congress needs to be uploaded to the virtual platform as a PDF. Poster presenters can also upload a poster teaser video, and we encourage you to take advantage of this as a new opportunity for the virtual event. Your abstract will also appear on the virtual platform.

Other participants at the 45th FEBS Congress will be able to message you privately about your poster/video throughout the event, and during the poster session for your topic there will be a group chat and video connection possible that will allow you to discuss live with others interested in your work. The day and time of your topic's poster session, when you should be available for such live connections, is shown further down this page, and you can also download a PDF of the timetable here. Your poster topic is shown on your abstract acceptance letter. 

You will receive an email from the FEBS 2021 virtual platform in June on how to upload your poster pdf and teaser video.

Guidelines for poster presenters

1. Prepare your poster in PDF

File type: PDF
Format: 1 page, A1, portrait orientation
File name: Poster_**Surname**.pdf (Poster_Surname)

2. Prepare your poster teaser video

File type: mp4 or mpeg

Length: 1–3 minutes

File name: Video_**Surname**(Video_Surname)

How to record: If you wish to record your video using PowerPoint, find guidelines here. Use your webcam to capture yourself explaining. You are welcome to choose another recording format for an informative introduction/summary for your poster content as long as it matches the recommended length and file types.

Timetable for live poster sessions

For the timetable as a PDF: click here

Poster session 1: Sunday, July 4, 2021 (13:00–14:30)

1.1 Genome structure and regulation
1.2 RNA function
1.3 Molecular evolution and phylogenetics
1.4 Epigenetics
2.1 Protein biosynthesis and expansion of genetic code
2.2 Autophagy and protein recycling
2.3 Proteolytic processing
2.4 Protein folding and misfolding
2.5 Protein localization and dynamics
E-01,02 Education, training, and career planning 

Poster session 2: Monday, July 5, 2021 (13:00–14:30)

3.1 Neurobiochemistry
3.2 Receptor–ligand interactions
3.3 Membranes
4.1 New approaches in structure determination
4.2 Molecular machines
4.3 Imaging for life: From molecules to organisms
4.4 Structures of nucleic acids
5.1 Metabolic engineering
5.2 Bionanotechnology
5.3 Designed regulatory circuits and genome editing
5.4 Plant biotechnology

Poster session 3: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 (13:00 – 14:30)

6.1 Immunotherapy
6.2 New frontiers in medicinal chemistry
6.3 Pharmacogenomics and biomarkers
6.4 Stem cells and regenerative medicine
6.5 Bioinformatics and computational biology
7.1 Biochemistry of toxins
7.2 Mechanisms of microbiome–host interactions
7.3 Cellular organization
7.4 Molecular interactions of plants with the environment
7.5 Life on the edge -extremophilic/ extremotolerant organisms

Poster session 4: Wednesday, July 7, 2021 (12:30–14:00)

8.1 Cancer immunology and immunotherapy
8.2 Cancer initiation and progression
8.3 Immune and inflammatory disorders
8.4 Ageing stress and neurodegeneration
8.5 Redox biology - oxidative stress signalling
8.6 The circadian clock and disease
9.1 Structural and functional glycobiology
9.2 Bioactive lipid mediators
9.3 Lipidomics

FEBS Press Poster Prizes

FEBS Press poster prizes for outstanding scientific posters at the 45th FEBS Congress will be awarded by The FEBS JournalFEBS Letters, Molecular Oncology and FEBS Open Bio. More details will be posted in the news section of the website soon.

FEBS has twin commitments to high-quality publications and the promotion of molecular biosciences. As a charitable academic organization,
FEBS uses income from the journals to fund its diverse activities, including support for the FEBS Congress.
